Sunday 3 July 2016

Episode Five: Zach Witman

On October 2 1998, Greg Witman, 13 years old, was returning from school when he was brutally attacked from behind at the front door of his home. His 15 year old brother, Zach was home sick and in his parent's room at the time of the attack. When Zach comes downstairs, he notices blood on the floor and discovers his little brother's body.

Within a few days, after a short investigation, the police charge Zach with the first-degree murder of his brother. At the age of 20, he was tried as an adult and sentenced to life in prison without parole.

What would cause one brother to murder another? And was Zach really responsible?

Some of our research
Case report
Short documentary
A wealth of information


  1. I tend to agree with what Nina posted on Facebook about this case. I just don't think this kid did it. The only way I think of that he might have is if he were sleepwalking, but there isn't any reason to think so. Plus he could have pleaded guilty and gotten out already apparently but refused. I can't imagine why the murder was so vicious unless it was just some schizophrenic or drugged out type person. Maybe the person was looking for money for drugs and got surprised by Greg. Maybe there were 2 people. I read that at one point someone heard a door shut inside the home while they were in the garage? No one checked it out. If he were in dark clothing he could have slipped out the back during the commotion and maybe he buried the gloves and knife so if he were stopped he wouldn't have the evidence on his person when he was getting out of the neighborhood.

    The pen knife part is so strange. The only other murder I have heard of using that is the murder of Jonathan Luna. His was another very violent and strange murder case. Most think it was political and had to do with a client he was prosecuting, but what if it was some crazed person who hid in his car? This also took place in Pennsylvania. Probably a coincidence and unrelated, but you never know. You certainly never know considering that it seems to me they never really investigated other possibilities like this. I do think they had tunnel vision and just don't think Zac as a suspect makes much sense other than he was in the house and found the body. I think he would have been dripping and saturated with blood if it were him. Again, so would the killer but dark clothing would have hidden that and he may have lived fairly close by and just slipped away unseen.

    1. You make some interesting points there. We weren't aware of the door shutting inside the home earlier. That could add something more to the third party theory.

      The Jonathan Luna is a strange case. I agree with your view that that one is most likely political in nature given his occupation. From what I understand, the penknife was Luna's so it may have been a crime of opportunity in his case. It is just a very odd choice of weapon to kill someone with.

      I agree that the authorities definitely had tunnel vision and were quick to charge Zach with the murder. They seemed to only investigate that scenario from the start which is sad for the Witman parents.

      It is just a sad, sad story and hopefully Zach will be able to have his sentence reviewed under new legislation.

      Thank you for your comment

    2. This is from Zach Witman's site:
      "Police chief begins inspection of the home and hears a door slamming shut but does not investigate its source. Police do not check the basement of the home to secure it."

      The use of soccer gloves makes me suspect someone on Zach's soccer team or on an opponent's team. Or he found them in the house but the family says no. Another thought is someone messed up on crystal meth. The idea that Adam Lane could have done it is very interesting as well. I wish there was more exploration of this possibility. So sad how things work as it will take a miracle to get him out now as we have seen in other cases the state doesn't like to admit they could be wrong.

  2. Was Zack diagnosed with asperger's syndrome? When he moved back in with his parents why did his mother say he wouldn't want his brother's trophies around?

    1. I noticed that too, and even in one of the videos of his early childhood his arms were flailing and he was walking on his tip toes

    2. I noticed that too, and even in one of the videos of his early childhood his arms were flailing and he was walking on his tip toes
